Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Aprill made me do it!

Ok, so Aprill hit me up with this meme so I figure what the hell....

Five things that people don't know about me. Sounds simple right, but its not because I don't want it to be, you know, stupid. So here goes nothing!

1. I hate confrontation, any confrontation.

That is interesting really considering my job ( I think anyway ) but its true. Confrontation makes me "lite". Its the only way I can explain it when I get confronted by someone on anything I feel like I suddenly weigh like 2 pounds. My hair feels like it is standing on end and everything gets crystal clear - precise and sharp. Its like I am humming on some kind of cosmic cord that only I can hear/feel.

2. I hate the way I look most of the time.

Now that sounds kind of vain but it is true. I guess that my self image is still stuck on when I was 22 and working construction. I was fit as a fiddle, as the saying goes. I guess the real truth is I have become older and a little insecure but its fixable. I just need to watch what I eat - no more midnight snacks of chips and salsa, ice cream and ice pops. I need to exercise more than I do. I worry about diabetes since EVERY male in my family has had it. My grandfather, my father, probably my great grandfather and I need to set an example for my son in being proactive about a potential problem and not reactive.

3. I have been married for 11 1/2 years.

Lee knows this but then she is my sister but other people do not. I got married when I was 19, we had our son when I was 26. It was kind of funny but when my wife and I got married I think her family held their breath for 9 months thinking that the reason we got married was that she was pregnant. It hasn't always been roses, but if you want to have something of value you have to work at it. Overall I think that getting married to my wife was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

4. I like cultural things: ballet, opera, musicals, etc. etc.

I know its an odd thing for someone raised in the middle of no where in Arkansas but I do love going to the theatre. Movies and television are nice but they don't hold the same level of excitement or anticipation for me that a live production has. Every time you see a live production you see something new or different. It is always unique.

5. I hate sleeping.

Now that one does sound weird but its true. I hate going to sleep at night even knowing that it is something that my body needs. I always feel like I am missing something or its time I could be spending doing something productive. Of course I only average maybe 4-5 hours of sleep a night as it is but still I could be making that paper mache airplane that I always wanted to make or I could build that replica of the Taj Mahal out of toothpicks - hey, it could happen!

So that is my five things. Not as introspective as I might have wanted but its all I can come up with. I promise the next meme that gets tossed my way will be much better or it will suck abysmally!

Now I am supposed to send this on to 5 other people but because of my limited time I don't actually know 5 people on here to send it to right off hand so I will hold this meme card in reserve for later when I do!

Oh, the fence is done and I should have pictures next week sometime! Now to design the tree house - wish me luck.

~ Terhune


~A said...

Somehow I always get blamed for everything...

Wow 11 1/2 years. That's impressive. And I can't believe you hate sleep!! I love sleep. I revel in sleep. I would sleep all day if I could. I even love things that make me thing of sleeping - like pajamas. I would stay in them all day if it were socially acceptable.

velvet said...

This is a great insight into who you are. :)

I can relate on the confrontation thing... I hate it, too. Ick!

Terhune said...

Aprill - Yeah Sleep is just something I feel I have to do. But I have to acknowledge that I do occasionally like to lounge around in the PJ's and eat CoCo Puffs in bed while watching cartoons.

Velvet - An insight huh? Maybe I have said to much!