Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Developments in the South

It’s been another nonproductive day for me, or rather a boring day because I actually did quite a bit of school work today. The surprising thing was how quickly the day seemed to pass by. I am amazed at how late it is.

My brother got called back up today for a two week stint down in Louisiana. He goes to Fort Polk tomorrow and from there he had no clue what he would be doing exactly. I had the news channels playing in the background all day today and I am appalled by the looters that have crawled out of their holes in New Orleans.

Lets take advantage of the misery and misfortune that has struck our hometown and make the job of clean up and rescue that much harder by taking everything that isn’t nailed down and for an added bonus let’s shoot at the cops!

What a bunch of morons. I say the cops; National Guard and what not shoot looters on sight. Anyone who behaves the way those looters are behaving doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us – lets ventilate them.

Seriously it’s a shame the way the worst in human nature seems to appear during a disaster. I guess the scum just floats to the top.

I made a gazillion paper airplanes for my son today. I don’t think he threw one of them. He just ran around making swooshing noises and waving the paper airplanes in the air. It was funny, cute and interesting. I love watching how his mind works, how it seems to be developing more everyday.

Nothing else new on the home front; work and school rule the day while family rides along. Tomorrow is a new day...blah blah blah and all that jazz.

As always I remain…

Respectfully yours,

~ Terhune

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Beginnings and Aftermath

So today was the first day for our new professor. He seems to be a competent kind of guy, otherwise why would he have been hired. Its to soon to tell what kind of teacher he will be but I am afraid that he might have bitten off a bit more than he can chew with this new job.

The way that some of the other students where talking to him in class and he was allowing it blew my mind. It was like they had to interject something after every sentence he said - it drove me nuts. Anyway we shall see how it goes, I hope it goes very well for him and that we have a good class this semester.

Hurricane Katrina seems to have passed us by, but the folks down south in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama are in for a world of hurt. I heard on the news tonight that in New Orleans they have what emergency coordinators call a "toxic soup". It seems that all the chemicals and waste from the city are mixing it up with the bodies of the dead as the coffins pop out of the ground and float around.

That's bad stuff. Disease will be a major problem I am thinking. Prayer and hard work go a long way to fixing the things that need fixing, lets be sure to give them at least our prayers if not our support.

As always I remain...

Respectfully Yours,

~ Terhune

Monday, August 29, 2005

I am a Bum..

OK I have not posted in a while, my bad.

Summer II ended and I made it out with an A in my History course and a B in Statistics.

Now the Fall semester has started and I am taking 13 hours. Not a huge load but with me working full time and hanging out with the family - not to mention picking up the occasional extra shift - my time has become a precious commoditiy.

Well this semester I am taking the following courses:

Spanish 1 (3 hours)
English Hisotry 1603-1800 (3 hours)
Classical Greek History (3 hours)
African History (3 hours)
Career and Life Planning (Web) (1 hour)

Now on the first day of class which was last Tuesday, we were informed that there were no History Professors at the University because they all quit! Thats three of my classes!

Thank god there were some Seniors who needed the classes to graduate so they did not get canceled. MOst of them only have like 8 people in them so that should be cool. They did hire a new History Professor last Thursday and he/she is supposed to start on Tuesday I heard. Lets keep our fingers crossed on that one.

So my Spanish instructor gave us homework on Thursday that consisted of 25 sentences from Chapter 8. We had to break each word in the sentence down into syllables and underline the where the stress goes. It took me forever to do that - I kept doing it

English History should be an experience. The instructor they put in there is unique - its the nicest way I can put it! No assignments yet but he keeps repeating that everything he says in class is testable, I hope that doesn't mean the roll call.

Classical Greek History is a void right now. The two times we have meet so far there has been no instructor. The new Professor is supposed to be taking it over so I have high hopes for tomorrow.

African History looks like it will be really interesting as the instructor is from Nigeria. So far we haven't gotten into the material, we have mainly talked about his growing up in Nigeria and the things he experienced. Its an interesting class so far I hope it lives up to my expectations.

The Career and Life Planning class is a joke. I am taking it online so I am hoping that will make it better but I see no reason why I should have to take it when I have a career, a retirement plan, a college saving account thingy for my son, and I have been married for 10 years. I mean HELLO - this class is a waste of my time and my money!!!

But you have to take it in order to graduate. One more way the university is screwing over thier students who do not fit into the mold of a traditional student - In My Honest Opinion.

Anyway, thats it for now.

As always I remain...

Respectfully Yours,

~ Terhune