Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Garden Begins

So I started my garden last Saturday. I got one of those starter trays and planted some seeds. I didn't want it to just take off so I set it in my kitchen, on the counter, away from the sun and just plain out of the way. I figured it would take like two weeks for the seeds to sprout.

Well I was wrong.

So now I have to rush and get my garden ready or these guys are going to take a header and I will have to start all over. I do plan on taking pictures thorughout the growing season so you can all enjoy my garden.

~ Terhune


velvet said...

Hey, terhune, that's cool!

I'm a gardener and you've got a bit of time for those seeds to go yet before you have to scramble to get them in the garden, so you don't have to rush quite yet. I'd recommend putting them in 2" pots first with potting soil so that they develop more roots and get good and strong before they handle the transplant stress. And then there's the "hardening off" time, too.

Of course, you may know all of this already, but thought that I'd mention it just in case. :)

Thanks for the link, btw! I'll be happy to reciprocate.


Terhune said...

Yeah I know what you mean. I bought some litle pots yesterday from mean Wal-Mart. Hopefully by the time all this rain ends I can get in teh garden and get it bedded up. Thanks for the add!

Lee said...

Bro! Look at your cute little plants! I'm so jealous that it is so warm there...I am jonesing for Spring so hard. I went outside and sat on the garden wall today petting Randall and wishing it was warmer so I wouldn't have to wear my heavy jacket.

BLEH! It is nice and sunny though. :)


~A said...

Haha, looks like they showed you! :) Hope things go well. I've never been much of a gardener. I get it from my mom. We bought a cactus once and she killed it within a week. I mean, is that really possible?