Thursday, March 08, 2007

Life or at least that's what I call it!

So I meant to post something around Valentine's day about the guy who really needed a hug. Let me set the stage: Wal-Mart, 9:30 am, cold, kinda windy. As I am entering the store to purchase some food for my next shift at the FD there is this guy not 4 feet away from me. As we have to basically walk right next to each other to go through the doors of the worlds smallest Wal-Mart, I attempt to strike up a conversation.

"So having a good Valentine's Day? Making the trip to Wal-Mart for the last minute gift like me?"

(Ok, so I was shopping for the last minute gift, my bad)

The gentlemen looks at me like he is gonna rip my head off and, well you know how it goes.

"No I am not! What business would it be of yours anyway!" He says, actual spit flying from his lips as he speaks.

Needless to say I was shocked ,a little taken aback. Now I understand that maybe he was having a bad life at that exact moment but generally in the rural south when you talk to someone like I did and its in a joking kind of manner you do not get that response.

"It's none of my business." I said as I stopped walking and allowed him to bull his way into the store in front of me.

So that was my Valentine's encounter, impressive no?

Grad school is blowing chunks right now, although I did get a groovy laptop to do work on which I actually use to play Tribal Wars more than anything - such is my dedication and focus!

I found out something interesting yesterday on the way home. I was listening to NPR when they started talking about immigration reform. Now I am all for immigration reform, but I think we have to be carefull how we go about it and I think that is the general opinion in Washington D.C.. So I am listening to the radio and they are talking about this immigration rally that was held by illegal immigrants.

They were Irish. I hadn't really thought about it before what with all of the immigration rallies and so forth seeming to be predominately Hispanic or Latino in origin but there are about 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants in the United States. So I went and did some reading on it at the following places:

* Bebo profile for Irish Legal Immigration Reform (kinda like MySpace)

Interesting stuff that is interesting to me because my father's family came over from Ireland in the late 1800's and it gets you to thinking about what they went through, what kind of circumstances where they in when they got here, of course being a history major I am aware of what hardships the Irish faced when they came to the United States, but even with that look at the contributions they made to the United States.

Maybe I am biased because I take pride in my Irish roots, but I do find thier achievements impressive.

~ Terhune

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