Thursday, March 09, 2006

Learning Patience

So I am the world’s worst person when it comes to being patient. I just don’t have any… all.

That being said, my wife and I went and bought the new Harry Potter movie tonight and watched it while my son was in the other room watching the Magic School Bus. Now the Magic School Bus is a really cool cartoon, that my 4 yr old son loves, that deals with their elementary class and their magical trips on this bus that can morph into any kind of vehicle/animal type combination.

The kids’ teacher takes them on field trips to space, under the water, inside the human body – all kinds of science stuff. Hell, my son can tell you what the water cycle is at 4 just from watching this show!

Anyway, tonight we are watching Harry Potter and it’s the end of the movie and everything’s getting wrapped up when my son comes into the room wanting another Magic School Bus movie turned on. What do I say:

“Son, you need to be more patient. Mommy and Daddy’s movie is almost over – just 5 more minutes”

Of course my wife elbows me in the side and snickers as I say this. She knows that I am as impatient as anything. Not to be outdone, my son responds to my statement. Without missing a beat he says:

“But Dad, I am trying to learn patience!”

Big exasperated sigh at the end for emphasis. I lost it. Started laughing, my wife started laughing and our son is looking at us like we are crazy so that makes it even funnier because he was so sincere.

Kids are amazing, and scary at the same time. Being a parent is probably the most frightening job/vocation/adventure that I can think of!!

As always I remain….

Respectfully yours,

~ Terhune

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