Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy Day

Got off at 7 am today, got home took a shower then went over to the parental units house and ate breakfast with them and my brother's son and daughter.

Went to church. The kids kept trying to lay down on me during the sermon so that they could sleep and I kept pushing them off of me and telling them to sit up. I just think that the age they are they should at least be able to sit up and appear to listen even if they really aren't.

Ate lunch over at my parents with the rest of the family. It was Taco Salad Day!! I asked who was coiming over since that meal seems to be the "go to meal" whenever company is expected.

Came home and started to work on finishing my Influenza paper. On rereading it this morning I realized that there were some typos and such so I fixed them. Then I sat on the couch for a bit and watched Sahara.Played with the cat while watching the movie, then amazingly I fell asleep.

Woke up and watched a rather disturbing 60 Minutes report called "Rewriting Science". It was an interesting little tidbit of journalism on global warming.

Went and grabbed me a bite to eat at Wndy's here in town and it was nasty. It doesn't take me five minutes to drive from Wendy's to my house so you would figure that the food woule still be hot. Well I guess I figured wrong on that since my cheeseburger and fries were cold. Ate it anyway.

Finished up my PowerPoint presentation for my Influenza speech, hopefully my professor will give the thumbs up signal tomorrow and I can concentrate on obsessing about actually giving the speech!

~ Terhune

1 comment:

Lee said...

aWwwwww wook at the cute wittle kitty cat!!! Wendy's is bad for you, you should't eat it. And quit picking on my neice and nephew!