Monday, March 20, 2006

Cracking the Whip

Well today was the return to school, yes spring break is over!

So I got back my last two midterms today. I made a B on my Non-Western Civ midterm and an A on my History of the Middle East midterm. Tomorrow I take my last midterm at 2pm, which will mean I will have to miss my African American History since 1865 class but it can't be helped.

This next midterm is for the bullshit class I have to take that I feel is a total waste of my time and money but whatever. My dedication to the class is evident in the fact that my grade in there right now is a 73 without the midterm but I can't allow myself to not care. A higher grade equals a higher grape point after all.

Went and had lunch with the Fire Chief and his wife today, for those of you who don't know I am a Lieutenant at the local Fire Department. It was an interesting lunch to say the least. The Chief informed me that the new guy on my shift was a dumb ass yesterday and got written up and will more than likely be suspended for a shift.

Here's what happened:

The new guy, we will call him Firefighter K, asked the Driver, known as Driver B-Pimping, if they could take the fire truck over to the local grocery store....

Driver B-Pimping looked at Firefighter K for a second and shook his head, "No we can't take the truck out right now since it is raining and I don't want to have to wash the truck if we don't have to. The rain is supposed to slack up soon and besides my Mom said she would drop by later so if you want I am sure she will be more than willing to pick up something for you."

"What if I just took my own truck and just ran over there real quick?"

"No, you can't leave me here by myself that would be against our Rules and Regulations. My mother will be here in a bit, just chill." Driver B-Pimping said over his shoulder as he walked back to the dormitory area to watch some television.

He was just getting cozy in his bed when he heard a door slam and an engine start up, "What the...."

Driver B-Pimping looked out the back window in time to see Firefighter K driving away from the station and out onto the street. Quickly he went to the phone and called Central Fire Station.

"Central Fire Station this is Captain W."

"Hey Cap, this is Driver B-Pimping. Look Firefighter K just left the station to go to the store in his private vehicle after I told him not to."

"He did what??"

And from there the story goes down hill.

So now I have to meet everyone up at Central Fire Station in the morning at 8am and stick my size 11 where the good Lord split Firefighter K. I am so looking forward to that. Why is it that when the city hires a moron I get to work with them???

I just hope there isn't a fire tonight cause I got school work to do and some sleep to catch up on.

Tomorrow should be a whole barrel of fun, ass-chewing in the morning, short presentation right after, midterm test at 2pm. Ah the joys of a hectic life!

~ Terhune

1 comment:

Lee said...

Okay, it's been like many days and you haven't updated. I'm getting antsy. I put something up on my blog page for you!!! You better go and look at it!
