Thursday, April 06, 2006

Finding the time...

I know, I know I keep promising to put up pictures of my garden but it ain't doing well. I think the squirrels have eaten most of my tomato plants but, I got a plan to prevent that with my new crop!!

I was over reading at George R. R. Martin's Website today and I was reading his "Not a Blog" and I realized that he has the same questions for people who blog:

How do they find the time to do it everyday? Like Mr. Martin, I too am not known for my ability to keep up with a journal or diary or what have you. So what's the secret folks? How do you find time to write on your blog everyday?

In other exciting news I signed up for my last 15 hours of college so that I can complete my Bachelors in History. About time if I do say so myself. I am also now the Vice President of our Phi Alpha Theta (History Honors Society) on campus, not really sure what that will mean as far as responsibilities but what the heck.

My wife and I think that our son has the chicken pox. Took him to the doctor today and the Doctor was like, "Yeah, it could be chicken pox, but it could also be just insect bites from playing outside." The nurse that was in there said, "It's chicken pox."

So apparently he might have an a typical case of the chicken pox, the Doctor said to go ahead and send him to school so he's going to school tomorrow and we will continue to monitor and adjust.

Watched the Chronicles of Narnia last night. It was a good movie, played pretty close to the book, but lets be honest. Movies are never as good as the book. Decided after watching the movie that I needed to reread the Narnia series so I went to the book shelf to grab the first one and surprise, surprise - it wasn't there.

The joy of being married to an elementary teacher, she's always taking our stuff to school to share with her kids and NOT bringing it back! Oh well, maybe one of her kids will read it and be amazed at the opportunities reading can provide for them. At least I can hope that.

~ Terhune

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