Monday, April 24, 2006

It's My Birthday!!

It's my birthday!! Well I am 30 today which doesn't seem all that bad really. I know when I was a kid 30 was like old as dirt but your perspective changes as you get older.

I had a nice day. Got home from the fire station around 7 am, took a shower and got dressed for school. Took my kiddo to his daycare and then I drove the hour to my University. Arrived just in time for my first class, History of the Middle East, and it was a pretty interesting lecture about the Mamluke's and the Ottoman Empire.

After that class was over I went and turned in all of the work I had done for the bullshit class of Personal and Social Development. I also learned that the WebCT servers are still down, been down for like 2 weeks now. People need to take finals and such - HELLO!! I don't know why it is but the university I go to seems to be technologically challenged all of the time.

Waited around for a bit and talked to one of my classmates about her boyfriend issues and what not then waited for my other professor to show up for my second class - which he didn't. So I drove home and ate me some cold pizza for lunch, thought about mowing and then grabbed a book to read off of the shelf.

I fell asleep on the couch sometime while reading. I must have been more tired than I thought.

Woke up and went and got my son from his daycare. Then we all went over to my parents house where my brother and his family had come over and we grilled steaks and drank some beer and celebrated our birthday - my brother and I are twins.

My wife is now tucking our little guy into bed and I am reading over some notes and writing this up before I go shopping online!!! I have to spend that birthday money don't you know!

~ Terhune

1 comment:

Lee said...

Happy Birthday Bro! I love you and I'm glad you had a good day!