Monday, November 13, 2006

The end is near...

Well here it is the 13th of November and I have less than a month of school left and then I graduate on the 15th of December.

Hell Yeah!!

God, it has been stressful though. I still have two term papers to write, one due on the 21st and then another due on the 29th. It's gonna be a stressful next couple of weeks that is for sure.

But anyway, how have you been?

That's great.

You know I feel that my blog should be more than just my ramblings, which I promise to try and keep under wraps at least par tof the time. I know that my consistency in writing on here is not that great.

Ok, it's abysmal but I try, doesn't that count for something?

So the big news is that I will hopefully graduate in December,basically a month away. The next big question that is plaguing our family is the really big question of moving.

We live in a small rural town at the moment that offers none of the cultural and educational events/things that I want to see and that I want my son to be involved in and exposed to. My wife feels the same way but she is hung up on wanting to stay in this state. Which really tends to limit our options on where we want to move to.

I have a plan though, it may not be a good one but its all I have right now so it will have to work. I am going ot send off to the various communities I like out side of the state and get information packets mailed to us. Then I am going to leave them strategically placed, just something to walk by and pick up in the course of your day while your walking through the house.

I think it might work to influence her at least a bit towards my way of thinking, it is worth a shot anyway!

~ Terhune

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