Saturday, January 13, 2007

Lady in the Water

Well I just watched Lady in the Water and I thought it was a really good movie. I love the way that the Director (I can't spell his name right) always delves into myth and folklore for his movies. To me its not so much like watching a movie as it is experiencing a movie. Maybe I am not saying it right but all of his movies are to me like reading a good book.

They take you into their world and let you participate even if it is as just an observer.

Anyway, loved the movie. Now I am working on filling out scholarship papers. I hope I can get this scholarship because it will help out a lot. On Tuesday I am going to see about a Graduate Assitantship. The lady I talked to about the Scholarship told me they might have something available so I will go by her office and see. At the very least it will pay for my gas and look good on a resume.

~ Terhune

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