Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jason Bourne

OK, so today has been laundry day - all day. While doing the laundry I decided that it would be movie day for me and my furry side kick Kenja. (Pictures on the way soon - of the dog that is) So I dug around in my box of cinema goodies and I came up with Mat Damon's Bourne series.

I pop me some popcorn and drop the disk into the old DVD player and we are off to the races! I generally enjoy a good action thriller and I had read the books when I was younger and I had liked them as well. So I enjoyed the movies and got to thinking that it would be nice to maybe read the books again. Can't find them here at home - anywhere.

Will probably order them from Amazon.

Speaking of work related (I say this because I know you are probably putting off some kind of work while you read this) we had a bad fire the other day and a man lost his life in the fire. He couldn't get out and the smoke got him. I haven't really talked about it much but I have been thinking about writing about it just to get it out some. Maybe not though, I haven't decided yet.

~ Terhune

1 comment:

velvet said...

You should write about what happened the other day. Blogging can be very cathartic... not many of us have to deal with death as part of our occupations. It must be very hard sometimes.
