Wednesday, December 06, 2006

School is done!

Well I finally got my grades in for the last semester of school. I got a "C" in Spanish, I was excited to say the least. In my other 5 classes I got "A"'s so my GPA is a 3.478, not bad if I do say so myself. I worked my butt off to get it there after leaving college the first time with a .009 GPA or something like that - regardless it was abysmal.

So I through the orientation to be a substitute teacher here today. They only pay $65.00 but hey, it's better than a poke in the eye, right. So I sat through that torture for about an hour and a half, then I went to the local Lion's Club and spoke as the guest speaker today. I presented a program on the Influenza Pandemic of 1918. It was the paper I presented last year at the student/faculty seminar I had to go to.

I didn't follow my paper to the letter, I spiced it up a bit and played up the local history a bit more because the audience was local people and they would be interested in that so that is what I did.

Not much else going on. I figure my next post I will relate the story of how I broke my ankle or perhaps one of my more colorful stories that begin with, "I had drank a few beers already..." well you get the idea.

~ Terhune


Lee said...

I wanna hear a "i drank a few beers" stories!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I'm proud of you!
