Friday, July 22, 2005

The Week in Review July 16 - 22, 2005

The world is changing everyday. I have been watching events in London unfold over the net and on the television and I am amazed at how such events happen and are then handled by the authorities. I think back to September 11, 2001 and am amazed at the way in which our communities handled that situation. People are resilient.

For my parent’s generation it was always, where were you when President Kennedy was shot. For my generation, Generation X I think it is called, the questions are like this: Where were you when the Oklahoma Bombing happened, Did you see O.J. fleeing at five mph down the street in L.A., Where were you on September 11th?

Where as we all have out milestones in life that are personal, it seems that more and more we are also sharing milestones in our lives. The media lets us see events as they unfold as has never been available in the past. The media has a huge responsibility in not only what they report but in how they report it.

And these reporters who are at the events, or the situations – putting their lives at risk so that they can get out a story – they got nerves of steel. Of course often it is just in the course of doing their job that they are in the situations, but to stay there and remain in harms way or at risk; that takes a special kind of person.

On a different note, I got back two of my Statistics tests yesterday. I was rather disappointed in my grades and thought I had known the material better than that. Oh well, I just have to pass this class with a “C”. I hate that mentality really because I want to do my best, but with everything else going on with work and family; I guess I will take what I can get. The good news is that we get to take a make-up quiz on Monday that can replace a lower score if we do good on it so I will be taking that one.

My U.S. History from 1873-Present class is kind of stagnating. The instructor has excused us from class three days so far, and let us out early everyday so we are not getting our full two hours in the class. Not that I am really complaining, but I paid for two hours of instruction. I spent the time driving the hour to school, dealing with the bureaucracy of the University so that I could attend classes and I expect to be educated as well as I can be.

Overall it was a long week for me. I hate not having any money to go and buy my wife something or my son a toy just because. I don’t want to be forced to limit my gifts and such to regulated holidays and annual special events. To me everyday I wake up and spend with them is an amazing day, a day to cherish and remember.

Next week looks to be as busy as this past week. Three chapter summaries due on Monday for my History class, make-up test in Statistics, cleaning out the storage unit I got so that I can stop paying on it, various other things that come up will of course come up and screw up something else. Oh well, I look forward to next week and what it may bring with a positive attitude.

As always I remain…

Respectfully yours,

~ Terhune

1 comment:

Terhune said...

Well I have the advantage then of having been in the work world and realizing that an education is the only way to go.

Seems to me that these events are happening more and more and I am not sure if it is the access we have from the media or if it is just how small the world has actually become that makes such horrible events seem so much closer to home.