Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Almost there...

Well I took my Spanish II final today and I am not sure how I did but by God I gave it a shot. Took me an hour and 20 minutes to take the test and I went back twice over the test before turning it in. I figured after spending that long on it I either had the best grade I was going to get or it was a lost cause.

I hope you guys liked the pictures of the fire I posted. It was from a house about 3 miles out in the country. We got there around 10:45 am CST I think, fire was shooting out the side window and smoke was coming from the eaves. We hit it really hard and I thought we had it but it got into the attic and ran from there.

I think that if there had been a hydrant we could have tied into then the fire would have been out, but we ran our pumper dry and then had to shuttle water. One of the volunteer departments nearby came with two pumpers that only had like 1000 gallons total if that, not really sure but I know it wasn't a lot.

The really bad thing was that the house was one of those add on things where the house had been added onto and added on to over the existing structure and the fire got into the crawl spaces in the ceiling and from there it was all over. All-in-all a busy night considering they had a fire in town at the same time and there was only three of us out there to fight the fire in the country.

The good thing is that the house was empty and no one was hurt.

Anyway, I got 1 more paper to finish and some things to tie up for my one Methods class and then I am finished till the 14th when I have to practice my graduation walk and then graduation on the 15th. About damn time!

~ Terhune

Monday, November 27, 2006

Long Fire

Saturday night was fun..fun..fun..here are some pictures (and yes, that is sarcasm):

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

~ Terhune

Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh Yeah!!

Well I took my oral exam in Spanish II and I passed it with an 85% - I am freaking ecstatic!

Tomorrow morning I have to take my Senior Comprehensives, not to excited about that but I got to do it so what the hell. Thought about going to the local high school football game tonight but then decided against it as I do have the test in the morning and I need to have a calm atmosphere happening tonight.

Things just seem to be clicking along, now all I have to do is finish those papers and I am home free!!!

~ Terhune

Spanish, or pray for me so that I pass this freaking test!!

Today is another wonderful day full of cheer and happiness - ok, maybe not.

I have another oral exam in Spanish II. She gave us over 30 questions to learn in addition to coming up with the answers to the questions. She will ask the question in English and then we have to repeat it in Spanish. I worked on it till midnight last night and I think I shall do fairly well.

Spanish and I have a complicated and harsh relationship unfortunately.

I take my Senior Comprehensive tomorrow morning at 7:45 CST. Shouldn't be that big of a deal considering they let you bring a calculator. I have no clue how long it will take, but I am hoping for multiple choice, easy answers and coffee available at the door. Not that the last one will happen but a guy can dream can't he?

Three papers to go before the end of the semester. I will knock out two this weekend and start on the last one, which is actually just a rewrite of a previous paper I did for the class. Overall this semester has been interesting to say the least.

~ Terhune

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Plague

Yeah that's right the plague. I swear to all that is holy that my son has the plague. He coughs every night when he goes to bed and it's hard coughs, cough till you puke type coughs. His little eyes get kinda blue around the edges and his face goes a bit pale. It's his sinuses draining down the back of his throat which sucks, we got Nalex that the doctor perscribed for his cough but I think we are going to have to do something else if this continues.

I am almost finished with school, have I mentioned that yet?

I have to write a two-page paper for Health class, a five-page paper for my Civli War class and a seven-page paper for my African Lit class. The Health and Lit papers are due after Thanksgiving, the Civil War paper is due next Tuesday. I haven't even started it. How screwed am I?

One day perhaps I will learn the true meaning of procrastination...

~ Terhune

Monday, November 13, 2006

Music and other things

I like music, all kinds of music and tonight I was looking through some websites online while I should have been studying for my Civil War and Reconstruction exam tomorrow when I came across a song that I remembered hearing before but hadn't heard in a while.

Mad World - From the Donnie Darko Soundtrack

Its a remake of the Tears for Fears classic which I personally thought was better than the original. Then I realized that my wife had never seen Donnie Darko so I went to Netflix and added it to the top of my queue.

Speaking of music I also had to download the Korn remake of Word Up originally performed by Cameo. I think that Korn did an excellent job with this remake.

I have decided that next spring I will take a photography class that is offered here at the community college. I think it may be fun and I like to take pictures, not that you can tell by all the pictures on here but once I discover what my wife did with the camera I plan on shooting some things and seeing what I can produce.

I may even surprise myself, who knows.

The end is near...

Well here it is the 13th of November and I have less than a month of school left and then I graduate on the 15th of December.

Hell Yeah!!

God, it has been stressful though. I still have two term papers to write, one due on the 21st and then another due on the 29th. It's gonna be a stressful next couple of weeks that is for sure.

But anyway, how have you been?

That's great.

You know I feel that my blog should be more than just my ramblings, which I promise to try and keep under wraps at least par tof the time. I know that my consistency in writing on here is not that great.

Ok, it's abysmal but I try, doesn't that count for something?

So the big news is that I will hopefully graduate in December,basically a month away. The next big question that is plaguing our family is the really big question of moving.

We live in a small rural town at the moment that offers none of the cultural and educational events/things that I want to see and that I want my son to be involved in and exposed to. My wife feels the same way but she is hung up on wanting to stay in this state. Which really tends to limit our options on where we want to move to.

I have a plan though, it may not be a good one but its all I have right now so it will have to work. I am going ot send off to the various communities I like out side of the state and get information packets mailed to us. Then I am going to leave them strategically placed, just something to walk by and pick up in the course of your day while your walking through the house.

I think it might work to influence her at least a bit towards my way of thinking, it is worth a shot anyway!

~ Terhune